
Connections Create Smarter Cities

Oppidatim Creates Connections

Chipside is a leader in the world of parking and traffic management IT

Chipside is a specialist software development company providing products and services to around a quarter of local and regional government traffic authorities in the UK. This means that Chipside works with over 130 local government authorities throughout the UK, delivering smart city initiatives to villages, towns, cities and regions.

The Chipside logo

Chipside systems are deployed by local authorities across England and Wales, from Cumbria and Lancashire Partnership in the North, to Ipswich in the East, Devon County in the South West, Tower Hamlets in London and Gosport on the South Coast. Some of the biggest regional areas in the UK use Chipside for their day-to-day parking operations.

Chipside Solutions

The Oppidatim logo

Oppidatim, Chipside's new smart cities strategy, is all about getting information to all those who need it in real time. The Oppidatim approach enables local authorities to combine and interpret information from a wide range of sources including surveys, patrol activity and local property gazeteers. Oppidatim - in every town [Latin]

More about Oppidatim

The MiPermit logo

MiPermit is Chipside's cashless and virtual permit system. Over 130 local authorities use it to give their citizens and local businesses the ability to pay for parking and permits using mobile, telephone or the Internet. Residents, businesses and visitors can pay for parking in a car park or renew permits any day of the week at any time of day.

Cashless Parking & Permits

Whether you are a small local community wishing to manage its parking assets or a team managing a large urban environment, Chipside has scalable, managed, hosted systems available in its portfolio.
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